314 Franklin
A Memoir in Verse by Hugh Hennedy
In his chapbook, 314 Franklin, Hugh Hennedy, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, leads readers on a serpentine tour of his early days, and the people that fashioned him into a life of poetry, just as his blacksmith grandfather forged horseshoes.
This poem, like those in Hennedy’s Variations on a Natural Theme (also available through Hobblebush Books), will appeal to those who love poetry’s ability to evoke place, people, and time, and then move beyond them. Truly “A Memoir in Verse,” 314 Franklin is a tribute to both the small and the big things in life, and the power of poetry to transform them.

About the Author
Hugh Hennedy lives in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. His poems have been published in many journals, among them Puckerbrush Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Tar River Poetry, Hawaii Review, and James Joyce Quarterly. His previous books of poetry are Old Winchester Hill (Enright House, 1993), Halcyon Time (Oyster River Press, 1993), and Variations on a Natural Theme: A Loon Year (Hobblebush Books, 2008).